We’ve been doing lots of assessment work lately. We came up with the list below in one of our reports, so I thought I’d share it with you.
- The Knowledge Management process needs an owner responsible for creating editing, updating and deleting knowledge content
- Knowledge articles should be aimed at their audience; 1st line, 2nd line, 3rd line and End Users
- It should be possible for users to submit feedback / corrections for existing knowledge articles
- Knowledge Articles should be tagged with keywords, rather than filed into subject areas
- A “smart” search facility, similar to Google should be used to interpret search terms and offer relevant results
- An adoption and education programme should be used to ensure buy-in and commitment
An effective Knowledge Management process has a number of benefits:
- Increase first time fix rate at the Service Desk
- Aid the concept of Shift Left; moving resolution tasks from expensive, highly technical staff, to less expensive resources, or the user
- Reduce resolution time for common issues
- Reduce risk of errors during resolution of an issue